Thursday 28 February 2013

Sharing dessert delights

“Sharing delights”
Comprising of chocolate brownies, toffee cakes, peanut cookies and amaretti biscuits
served with Valrhona chocolate ice cream, dulce de leche sauce and fresh strawberries

Monday 25 February 2013

Rump of lamb

Rump of lamb
with a sweet potato and Parmesan mash,
green beans and roasted tomato stuffed with homemade pesto,
served with a Pinot noir jus


Get the rumps of lamb and slice crisscross on the skin side.
Marinate with very little oil and little chopped thyme+rosemary.
Refrigerate until needed.

Sweet potato and Parmesan mash:  this should make enough for 12 portions

1.5kg    sweet potatoes, pierced, wrapped with tin foil and bake until soft.
900g     potatoes, boiled until soft.
100g     butter
100g     Parmesan, finely grated

1.     Remove the skin from the sweet potatoes, transfer them into a colander and let them drain as long as you can.
2.     Pass the sweet potatoes and the normal potato through a mouli grater.
3.     Melt the butter and add to the potatoes mix along with the parmesan, season well and mix until combined.
4.     Cool down and refrigerate until needed.

Pesto baked tomato:

Buy beef tomatoes (buy them well in advance, (DO NOT KEEP THEM IN THE FRIDGE) and let them ripe at room temp.
Cut them in half, just scoop out the seeds and juice and discard.
Spoon enough pesto to cover and fill the gaps.
Bake until just about soft and nicely coloured. DO NOT COOK FOR TOO LONG OR THEY MASH UP!
Refrigerate until needed.

Pinot noir jus…….:
Just follow any Christmas recipes etc…….

To serve:                      large round flat plate

140g     sweet pot-parmesan mash
1          portion new pots+green beans
1          half of the baked pesto tomato
60g       Pinot noir jus
Thyme sprig or microherbs

1.     Thinly slice the lamb, you should get at least 6-7 slices.
2.     Arrange it nicely along with the rest of the accompaniments, drizzle the sauce and garnish as you wish.


Hake tempura

Salad of crispy Thai spiced hake tempura and prawns twister
with an Asian slaw and a chili bourbon mayonnaise

Saturday 16 February 2013

Cured venison pizza

Rich tomato sauce based pizza with sweet potato, caramelised onion, radicchio, rocket, pomegranate and law fat cream sauce

Sunday 10 February 2013

Soy glazed mackerel

Baked mackerel fillets
marinated with ginger, lime and a touch of soy sauce
served with a warm salad of steamed bok choi, broccoli,
 rainbow carrots and sesame seeds glazed
drizzled with a lime, chili and mango dressing

Chinese soup

Hot, sweet and sour Chinese soup with shitake mushroom, sweet corn, sprout beans and mangetout.

Saturday 9 February 2013

Baked ricotta

Warm salad of quinoa, roasted vegetables and baked ricotta cheese
topped with a roasted tomato and rosemary chutney, fresh mint & basil

free range chicken

Baked free range chicken breast, marinated in lemon zest and tyme
served with curly kale, cavolo nero,
romanesco cauliflower and butternut squash
drizzle with a Manuka honey and toasted pumpkin seeds dressing

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Chinese vegetables skewers

Honey soy glazed vegetable skewers,
on sesame scented rice noodles with chillies, sweet corn, peas
and shitake mushrooms 
garnished with toasted sesame seeds

Pizza Rossa

Pizza Rossa
(home-made pizza dough with a fresh tomato cooked rich sauce)
Five spice marinated free range chicken, chillies, asparagus,
shitake mushrooms and spring onions
garnished with fresh rocket and drizzled with a light creamy, lime and coriander sauce

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Roasted vegetable platter

Roasted vegetable platter of tomato, sweet potato, pepper, courgette, cucumber,green bean and red onion

Monday 4 February 2013

Steam prawns salad

Oriental sesame steamed prawns
with pineapple, bean sprout, peppers, lettuce and rice noodles
drizzled with a spicy lime-honey sweet & sour dressing and garnished with homemade pickled cucumber & fresh mizuna leaves